Decrease Pain
Decrease Pain Products

The Feel Good Knees Club: New Routines Every Month for Lifelong Knee Health (Booklet + Digital Access)

The Feel Good Knees Club: New Routines Every Month for Lifelong Knee Health (Digital Access)

Real pain relief after just 2 days. I was convinced I was headed for surgery.
Living with pain was just normal to me. I found your course and am so happy with the results... not only are my knees feeling better than they have felt in 30 years but I am much more solid and stable on my feet. And I don't feel any pain going up and down stairs anymore.
I have had 7 surgeries on my right knee but after just a few of the exercises (especially the patella manipulation ones) I felt less discomfort. Your sessions were so much more helpful than the last 9 physical therapy sessions!